Institutional Reform
Every Vote Counts’ chapters and partner campuses move beyond election week sprints and rote email reminders to turn their schools into engines of democracy through institutional reform.
Time Off to Vote
The best way to reform private institutions—educational and corporate—to support voting is to implement Time Off to Vote. Learn more about the work we do on our Time Off to Vote website.
Every Vote Counts has:
Gathered signatures from 240+ student body presidents asking our future employers to grant time off to employees on Election Day.
Instituted Election Day as a campus wide holiday on multiple campuses.
Funded campus celebrations on Election Day, providing buses to the polls, Same Day Registration assistance, and election night watch parties.
Integrated Registration
Students should register to vote when they register for classes.
Every Vote Counts is working to implement Integrated Registration across its network by Fall 2024, so every student has taken the first step to voting.
Campus Vote Coordinators
Students should have a go-to source for their questions about voting logistics. Every Vote Counts helps campuses establish the position of Campus Vote Coordinator, who:
Sends out campus wide email reminders about voting and upcoming deadlines.
Hosts “office hours” for registration assistance and questions about the voting process.
Are institutionalized; meaning they are formally recognized by school administration, provided with office space, and funded.
Can be current employees with expanded responsibilities, student fellows, or even EVC Chapter leadership.

Join the Every Vote Counts Network to transform your campus into an engine for democracy.
Get special access to our:
Student Government Resolution toolkit. How to pass pro-voting resolutions at your school.
Institutional Reform Roadmap. How to turn your campus into an engine for democracy.